Presidential Decree No. 1 dated September 24, 1972 created the Career Executive Service Board (CESB) to serve as the governing body of the Career Executive Service (CES) and to promulgate rules, standards and procedures on the selection, classification, compensation and career development of members of the CES.
Likewise, Section 8, Paragraph 1(c) and 2, Chapter 2, Book V of Executive Order No. 292 expressly provides that the “third level shall cover positions in the Career Executive Service” and that “entrance to the third level shall be prescribed by the Career Executive Service Board.”
As part of the Career Service, entry to the Career Executive Service is based on merit and fitness as determined by competitive examination, or based on highly technical qualifications.
On December 15, 1989, the CES Board issued Circular No. 1 which provides for a four-stage CESeligibility examination process,namely: Management Aptitude Test Battery (MATB); the Assessment Center; the Performance Validation On-the-job; and the Board Interview. In 2009, the Board, through CESB Resolution No. 791 adopted the Revised Integrated Rules on the Grant of Career Executive Service (CES) Eligibility, as amended by CESB Resolution No. 1354. Pursuant to the said rules, CES eligibility examination process consists of the following stages:
CES Eligibility is acquired by passing the four-stage CES eligibility examination process. Successful completion of each stage is a pre-requisite to the succeeding stages of the CES eligibility examination process.
The Career Service Executive Eligibility (CSEE) conferred by the Civil Service Commission (CSC), which consist of two (2) phases, namely: Written Examination and Panel Interview, of one who is appointed to a CES position, regardless of the appointing authority or one who is occupying a Division Chief position in a permanent capacity or one designated to a CES position in an acting or OIC capacity for at least one (1) year, shall be considered equivalent to the two (2) of the four-stage CES eligibility examination process, namely: Written Examination and Board Interview.
Hence, for purposes of conferment of CES eligibility and appointment to appropriate rank in the CES, as the case may be, the applicant concerned has to complete the two (2) remaining stages of the examination process, namely: Assessment Center and Performance Validation stages and comply with such other requirements as may be prescribed by the Board.
The CES-Written Examination (CES-WE), formerly called the Management Aptitude Test Battery (MATB) is the first of the four-stage CES Eligibility Examination Process.It is a paper-and-pencil type of test that determines the applicant’s general intelligence and knowledge of management concepts and principles. Currently, the CES-WE is composed of 220 test items with seven (7) sub-tests, as follows: Error Recognition, Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Information, Management Concepts and Problems and Essay.The test is administered for 2 hours and 55 minutes.
Applications are open to Filipino citizen of good moral character and meets the following requirements:
Managerial/supervisory functions pertain, but are not limited to, directing and approving the work outputs of concerned employees; delegating functions to the staff; monitoring and rating employees’ performance based on the duly approved performance targets/plans; and supervising the unit or section/division based on the staffing pattern or organizational structure.
The applicant should meet the cut-off score to proceed to the succeeding stages of the CES Eligibility Examination Process. Applicants who fail to meet the cut-off score may be allowed to retake the test only after six (6) months reckoned from the date of his/her last examination.
The CES-WE results are officially released within sixty (60) days from the date of the examination through the CESB website. An applicant shall likewise be issued with a notice of rating indicating his/her transmuted score.
The following shall be submitted upon filing:
In observance of the health protocols in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic, examinees are requested to bring their negative RTPCR Test, facemask, face shield, and alcohol/hand sanitizer.
CES Written Exam Application Form (see attached)
In 2008, CESB restored the accreditation of the Master in National Security Administration (MNSA) and the Master in Public Safety Administration (MPSA) degrees conferred by the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) and the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), respectively, as equivalent to the CES-WE.
The MNSA degree conferred by NDCP and MPSA degree conferred by PPSC shall be accredited as equivalent to the CES-WE provided that the holder thereof is:
An appointee to at least a Division Chief level position (SG 24) or its equivalent in the government, regardless of whether he/she is in the career or non-career service with at least three (3) years managerial experience at the time of the application.
The following shall be submitted upon filing:
The Assessment Center (AC), the second stage of the CES eligibility examination process, is a series of simulation exercises involving work-based situations, designed to measure whether the applicant has the capacity to advance to managerial duties and responsibilities and determine his/her ability to grow and develop in the organization.
These exercises allow candidates to elicit and demonstrate managerial competencies, key behaviors and significant performance dimensions/indicators essential in the organization.
A typical AC is composed of four (4) centers, consisting of six (6) Assessees who are observed by three (3) Assessors per center. It is a whole day exam that runs from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The list of AC Passers is officially released within sixty (60) days from the date of the AC through the CESB website. Assessees are provided with their AC result indicating their performance in each AC competency/dimension.
The AC applicant should be a/an:
For first-time AC applicants:
For Career Service Executive Eligibles (CSEEs):
For AC Re-takers and MNSA/MPSA degree holders:
Validation, which is the third of the four-stage CES eligibility examination system, is the process that facilitates a detailed inquiry, examination and verification of the candidate’s on-the-job performance, managerial/behavioral competence and integrity.
The investigation is done by a CESB-certified validator through feedback-gathering mechanisms, such as interviews of resource persons, public officials/employees and non-government sector representatives who have worked with the candidate and who may have knowledge of the candidate’s fitness to be conferred CES eligibility.
Validation is conducted to ensure that the candidate’s performance in the previous stages of the examination is also demonstrated in the workplace. There may be some candidates who appear to be competent based on written tests but may not be so in their actual jobs. Thus, validation of their on-the-job performance becomes relevant and essential.
The validation system focuses on three (3) dimensions:
It shall be assessed based on three (3) sources:
The validation system is two-pronged: Level 1 which is the Rapid Validation Process (RVP) and Level 2, the In-Depth Validation Process (IVP). The RVP which is conducted and completed in one (1) day covers all qualified applicants who do not have any adverse feedback on performance, managerial/behavioral competencies and integrity.
On the other hand, the IVP is a focused, more intensive and longer validation depending on the nature, extent and gravity of adverse feedback or information on the applicant.
Result of the candidate’s validation will depend on any of the following recommendations by the validator:
It is also noted that in case the Secretariat receives adverse feedback about a candidate as a result of publication, the candidate is automatically subjected to IVP.
For the Performance Validation Stage the candidate is required to accomplish and submit two (2) copies of the following:
The Panel Interview is the last stage of the Career Executive Service (CES) Eligibility Process.
It is composed of a three-man panel conducted to determine and assess the applicant’s confidence, creativity, self worth and outlook on his/her work and the organization.
Managerial capabilities and potentials, leadership qualities, office accomplishments and performance as well as the applicant’s integrity are discussed during the interview.
The interview is also an opportunity for the interviewers to give feedback on the applicant’s performance on the three (3) previous stages he/she underwent.
The panel of interviewers are primarily tasked to deliberate and decide on whether the applicant is recommended to be:
Applicants will be officially informed of their interview schedule which is conducted at the CESB Office.
A CES Eligibility shall be conferred to a candidate who is able to successfully complete the four-stage CES Eligibility Examination Process and meet other requirements as may be prescribed by the Board.
It shall be conferred by the Board through a resolution approved by the majority of its members in a regular or special meeting.
Upon approval of the resolution, the applicant is considered a full-fledged CES eligible and his/her name shall be registered in the Board's Roster of CES eligibles and a corresponding certificate of CES eligibility shall be issued in testimony of his/her newly acquired qualification.
For candidates to be conferred CES eligibility, they should also be able to comply with the other requirements prescribed by the Board such as: