University of Cebu |
Davao City National High School |
Five hundred thirty-seven (537) examinees took the Nationwide Career Executive Service Written Examination (CESWE), the first examination stage for CES Eligibility, last 18 June 2023. The exam was held simultaneously in three testing centers, namely: University of the Philippines (Quezon City), University of Cebu (Cebu City) and Davao City National High School (Davao City).
Notably, the turnout of examinees in the recently conducted CESWE is almost three times higher as compared with the first quarter exam.
Sixty-six (66) percent or 355 of the total number of examinees took the exam in Quezon City, 24 percent (128) took the same in Davao City and 10 percent (54) in Cebu City.
The list of passers of the 18 June 2023 Nationwide CESWE will be posted on the CESB website, www.cesboard.gov.ph, as early as one month but not later than two months from the date of exam. Notice of ratings will also be sent to individual examinees via e-mail.